
With the right technology and an experienced team, Allied is a
category-leader in Geotechnical Engineering in Southwest Montana and beyond.

Investing in Advanced Technology for Better Project Outcomes

Geotechnical Engineering Services

Advanced Capabilities. UnCompromised Service.

Earthwork Design
Seismic Stability
Slope Stability
Landslide Stability
Hydrogeologic Analysis
Due Diligence Evaluations
Geotechnical Forensics
Earthen Dams
Seismic Site Classification
Laboratory Testing
Road Section Design
Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves

Why Choose Us?

Allied Engineering
By the Numbers

At AESI, we take pride in consistently delivering exceptional solutions for our clients. Drawing on our extensive experience with a wide range of geotechnical projects, we bring valuable expertise and capabilities to ensure your project is built on solid ground.

Choose Allied for Your
Engineering Project

Contact us today to discuss your project, and rest assured it’s in capable hands. Not quite ready? Click below to learn more about who we are.

Featured Projects

View some of our recent geotechnical engineering projects and learn more about how we deliver exceptional results.

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