USFS Dams Emergency Action Plans


USFS Region 1


Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota



Secondary Services

Emergency Action Plans, Breach Inundation Mapping, Hydraulic Modeling, Early Warning Systems, Dam Safety Exercises

Project Description

AESI was contracted by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Region 1 to develop Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) for four high-hazard dams located in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. The project included comprehensive dam break evaluations following USFS and Bureau of Reclamation guidelines, utilizing HEC-RAS 2D modeling to simulate inundation scenarios from dam failures. AESI created detailed inundation maps using ArcMap for both “sunny day” failures and Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) breach scenarios.

In addition to preparing the EAPs, AESI facilitated dam safety exercises involving USFS personnel, emergency management agencies, state transportation departments, and the National Weather Service. These exercises tested response protocols and provided critical insights for refining emergency procedures. To support ongoing dam monitoring, AESI partnered with AMCI Wireless to install automatic data loggers, enabling real-time reservoir water level tracking.

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The project required extensive coordination among multiple agencies and USFS personnel across different states. Organizing dam safety exercises involved aligning schedules, ensuring participation from key stakeholders, and structuring discussions to effectively evaluate emergency response capabilities. Additionally, the development of accurate breach inundation maps required advanced hydraulic modeling to account for varying dam failure scenarios.

Solutions and Results

Through careful planning and stakeholder engagement, AESI successfully facilitated dam safety exercises that fostered productive discussions on emergency response procedures. These exercises provided agencies with a clearer understanding of their roles and responsibilities during a dam emergency. The finalized EAPs incorporate real-world feedback from these exercises, improving preparedness for potential dam failures. Additionally, the installation of automated data loggers enhances real-time monitoring capabilities, providing USFS with critical reservoir level data for ongoing dam safety management.

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